Tag: Two Bleeding Hearts - Single by Bruce Sudano

Alba’s “3”: A Musical Mélange Of Culture And Emotion

In the eclectic world of music, Alba, a Franco-Mexican artist, emerges as a treasure trove of creativity and expression. Her latest album, “3,” is not just a collection of songs but a beautifully crafted journey into the human experience, showcasing her multifaceted talents as an author, producer, sound designer, composer, painter, and performer. Alba’s work is deeply influenced by her diverse background, including a mariachi father,...

Sam Wrangle’s “Just Living Really” Is A Soulful Journey Through Time And Sound

Sam Wrangle is a musical maestro who emerges from the bustling city of Brisbane, which is located in the Australian state of Queensland. Sam Wrangle weaves stories of life and love through his emotionally stirring songs. His hometown is in Queensland. Sam's inspirations might be described as a kind of aural tapestry since he draws creativity from such a wide variety of musical greats. His creative pallet...

Bruce Sudano Illuminating The Music Scene With ‘Two Bleeding Hearts’

Bruce Sudano, a native son with big dreams, an American music legend, he has written songs recorded by the likes of Michael Jackson, Dolly...