Tag: G&B Digital Management

Chris Caulfield: The Resonance Of Resilience In ‘Stockholm Syndrome’

Chris Caulfield, who lives in Toronto, is more than just an artist; he owns a complex personality that encompasses a wide range of facets. The aforementioned musician is proficient in the art of musical storytelling, skillfully building storylines that move fluidly between the genres of alternative rock, hip-hop, and dark pop. Caulfield's compositions show the potential of creative expression to capture and portray the deepest issues...

Ayisi – Prayer (Official Video)

Ayisi - Prayer (Official Video) Great songs deserve videos to go with and Ayisi knows the drill. Visuals boast of a serene locale which beams some eye-catching colours on his highly contrast silhouette. All in all, the video's absolute simplicity harmonizes well with the song's now-familiar tone, meaning viewers won't be left feeling detached. Ayisi's latest visual offering is in all respects very organic and...

Influencer Burnout Is A Growing Industry Threat – G&B’s Kyle Hjelmeseth Has The Solution

Influencer Burnout Is A Growing Industry Threat - G&B’s Kyle Hjelmeseth Has The Solution Social isolation, School closures, Political upheaval, Cultural shifts, Ongoing national tensions....