Tag: Simón songs

Mira Sthira Unveils “Up And Down”: A Dark Fairytale In Indie Pop

Notable people often have an interesting name and it is no different in the case of Emily. Her unique moniker, Mira Sthira, is a combination of a soft and deep emotional voice with quirky tunes. Her music which borrows from the likes of Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Grimes, and Aurora, is a mixture of realness and computer-generated instrumentation. The name 'Sthira,' meaning 'ocean strength,' is perfectly...

Lahrel’s New Song “Move From Mè” Proves Her Evolution As An Artiste

When we consider Lahrel's career as a young singer, we can see that with each new single she releases, she grows and changes. This latest track is proof of that. We hand-picked "Move From Mè" to suit your musical preferences, ensuring it will satisfy your musical needs. We just found out about her, and you should definitely give her a listen. The more you listen, the...

“Why I” Is Simón’s New Mesmerizing Single

This song's composition makes it an easy bet that it will be remembered as one of the year's finest musical offerings. The 17-year-old performer's latest...