Tag: Silja Rós out with The way u...

Soundcloud Partners With Twitch To Provide Live Streaming

Soundcloud Partners With Twitch To Provide Live Streaming Amidst the current situation worldwide and the indefinite lockdown globally, Ceo of Soundcloud yesterday sent the news across that they planning on a set up to work with twitch a video streaming platform to provide live streaming for its creators. In the messages sent by Kerry Trainor, he stated; We are all facing an unprecedented situation. For those of you...

Remus Rujinschi Presents New Engaging Single “Tears In The Club – No Tears Mix”

Further evidence that Remus Rujinschi is one of the most outstanding musicians currently active in the industry can be found in his newest track. The Romanian artist has released a trap-influenced pop single. We've got a song here called "Tears In The Club: No Tears Mix" that's guaranteed to put a spring in your step and make you feel better. This song has the intention of...

Silja Rós: Iceland’s Ethereal Voice In Pop And Indie Music

Silja Rós, an Icelandic artist, is someone who stands out with the colour of her life and creativity. She is a pop diva whose music...