Tag: Silja Rós discography

“In Between” A Heart Break Lies Tragically Unknown Emotions

About Tragically Unknown Tragically Unknown, one of Iceland's most promising rock bands, has just released a new song called "In Between." Tragically Unknown is a Reykjavik-based Icelandic rock band composed of the individually gifted vocalist Helena Hafsteinsdóttir, guitarist Oddur Mar, and bassist Thorgnyr Albertsson. The Cranberries and Paramore are among the bands that influenced Tragically Unknown. They began making music together in the fall of 2021....

Tzucasa Slams Tech Worship In Punk Anthem “Robots Bore Me”

London-Tokyo Artist Tzucasa Takes Aim At AI Hype with Raw Studio Debut "Robots Bore Me" “Robots Bore Me,” Tzucasa's new song, has a new, unique sound. The artist was born in Tokyo and grew up in London. When Tzucasa made her professional studio debut with "Robots Bore Me," she ripped through the AI hype with guitars that were overdriven and sharp criticism. The artist, who was born...

Silja Rós: Iceland’s Ethereal Voice In Pop And Indie Music

Silja Rós, an Icelandic artist, is someone who stands out with the colour of her life and creativity. She is a pop diva whose music...