Tag: Sean Kennedy videos

Dan Angelo Speaks To His “Secret Lover” In New Seductive Song

If you're seeking that one-of-a-kind song to play for that particular someone in your life, Dan Angelo has made your life a lot simpler by providing you with this song. The new tune "Secret Lover" has a strong connection to the listener on a spiritual level. It awakens fresh feelings and sensations inside of you, which in turn refreshes you. Because of the beautiful vocals that...

Amerado – Yeete Nsem Episode 23

Amerado - Yeete Nsem Episode 23 Amerado is out again with episode 23 of his trending rap series Yeete Nsem. In this episode, the rapper made a huge of his new single with feature multiple award-winning Ghanaian rapper and Made-In-Ghana ambassador Okyeame Kwame. Even though the title of the song was not mentioned, we believe this is going to be one of the best masterpiece singles to be...

Sean Kennedy’s “Let It Go”: An Anthemic Release Into Resilience And Renewal

New York Singer-Songwriter Sean Kennedy Embraces Change with Soul-Stirring New Single "Let It Go" New York artist Sean Kennedy, known for his strong narrating and...