Tag: Sacha Mullin - Casino Wilderness Period

For the Bears Releases Brand New Album ‘The Hundred Acres’

Who are the band members and what do they play? Just me, I do all the producing and vocals How and where did you get together? Well, it all started when I was born What are the band's main influences? Misty Edwards, John Thurlow, Lil Wayne, a slew of metal bands, Mac Miller, and a lot more i can’t even think of right now. Have you played any notable gigs,...

Joe Lington Breathes Fresh Life Into Classics With “Je Pleure”

Welcome to Joe Lington, a charming soul singer whose singing can turn any room into a party in an instant. Lington's journey is the stuff of stories. It started with piano classes with Lisa Gold Gervais and ended with him singing solo in a church group. Not long after Lington started to write songs about singers like Sisqo and Keith Sweat, he started to explore...

Sacha Mullin Redefines Art-Pop With Boundary-Pushing Album ‘Casino Wilderness Period’

Sacha Mullin is a singer-songwriter who is changing the art-pop scene with his extraordinary voice and singing skills. He has made it to the top of...