Tag: Monti Korbelle drops The Absolute State of the Absolute State

Super Massive’s “Caught In A Web”: The Algorithm’s Groovy Warning

Some songs slink into existence like they’ve emerged from a digital jungle, chrome vines and all. Super Massive’s latest single, "Caught In A Web," doesn’t just step into the foliage; it practically swings from the branches. Glenn Abbott’s tight, pulsating drum rhythms instantly provide the scaffolding, while Malina Hamilton-Smith’s vocals glide, entangle, and occasionally sting like the titular web’s arachnid inhabitant. It grooves like...

Karen Harding’s “Invisible Stranger” Strikes A Chord With Soulful Elegance

Melbourne Artist's Karen Harding Latest Single "Invisible Stranger" Explores the Pain of Unseen Affection The new song by Karen Harding, "Invisible Stranger," perfectly describes how sad it is to be noticed but find out that it was meant for someone else. The fourth track from Harding's highly anticipated album "Behind The Mask" is this emotional and bluesy pop song. It shows off her unique style, which...

Monti Korbelle Unleashes “The Absolute State of the Absolute State”

A singer, songwriter, and composer from Pittsburgh, United States with the name of Monti Korbelle has done something remarkable. He has released a remarkable...