Scrip T — Wobeye Yie Dir. By Yaw Freeman
Afro Beats act Scrip T is out with a new motivational song titled ‘Wobeye Yie’; produced by PerezBeatz and video directed by Yaw Freeman.
Wobeye Yie which stands for ‘You Shall Make It’ encourages all hardworking youth to focus on the goal at hand and ignore all negativities. He goes on to preach that worshipping the...
Jordana Delgado Captures the Essence of Spring in "The Dancing Pink Flowers"
Piano and music artist Jordana Delgado, who lives in Vancouver, continues to amaze people with her beautiful musical works.
Her newest single, "The Dancing Pink Flowers," is no different. In this lively piece, which honours spring and its famous cherry blossoms, Delgado shows how good she is at the piano and how she can...