Tag: Kärma Sounds - GETTING BETTER (Official Music Video)

Tibey Channels Life’s Stories Through Captivating Musical Narratives

Nigerian Sensation Tibey Channels Life's Stories Through Captivating Musical Narratives. There are musicians out there with a natural talent for captivating audiences with their stories. One such artist is Precious Akpan, better known by his stage as Tibey, a Nigerian singer and composer. Tibey started his musical career at a very early age, despite being born in the new century in the busy metropolis of Benin,...

J4F Speaks His Reality In New Song “Be Patient”

For a young boy his age, you wouldn't expect him to deliver such engaging lyrics, but it goes to show that he has what it takes to overcome and surpass your expectations. J4F, a London-based rapper, has released his debut single, "Be Patient," which discusses the rise of social media and continually seeing individuals in better circumstances than you. According to the young artist, this can...

Canadian Songbird Kärma Sounds Craft An Anthem For Social Awareness Titled “Getting Better”

The Vancouver sensation who is popularly known as Karina Morin in close circles has managed to do what Kärma Sounds does. The social statement...