Tag: Jeristotle

JZH Drops “Wayz N Meanz”: A Heavy-Hitting Anthem Of Desire And Bravado

Blending smooth production with sharp lyricism, South Manchester’s JZH delivers a bold exploration of ambition and relationships in "Wayz N Meanz". JZH, an R&B and hip-hop artist from South Manchester with South Asian heritage, brings a fresh energy to the UK music scene. Rooted in old-school R&B influences and inspired by the bouncy production styles of icons like Timbaland, JZH crafts music that’s both nostalgic and...

Brendan Lane Collaborated With Quesmark On New Single ‘One Life’

Brendan Lane is a rising star in the music business. His love of rock 'n' roll has brought him on tours across all three continents, and he continues to pursue his enthusiasm for the genre. Lane's relationship with music goes deep, and his most recent CD, "One Life," highlights his abilities as a composer and performer. Lane's father was a jazz pianist, and he grew...

“Make Some Changes” Is Jeristotle’s Profound New Single

American rapper Jeristotle has made his song "Make Some Changes" from his first album, "The Birth of An Artist," listenable to us. With a deep...

Jeristotle Presents New Hip-Hop Tune “They Sold Me On The TV”

Jeristotle has quickly adjusted to the new dimension of hip hop, and his latest single "They Sold Me On The TV" is sufficient proof...