Tag: J4F

Riya Gadher’s New Song “Own Way Home” Describes Her State Of Mind

Riya Gadher's newest single deals with several touchy modern problems. We're excited to share this tune with you since we know it came from an honest place in her heart when she composed it. Inspiring strength, optimism, female empowerment, and bravery, the song "Own Way Home" depicts the author's inner journey and aspirations. These ideas can serve as tremendous sources of motivation and strength for anyone...

“Do You Hate Me?” Is MADITRONIQUE’s New Probing Song

She is inquiring about something. It's important to her. There are many things she is curious about and trying to make sense of. There are many unspoken words that she sings about. A new song titled "Do You Hate Me" has been released by UK-based singer MADITRONIQUE, and it oozes confidence while conveying the profound feelings expressed in the lyrics. It's a song that draws attention...

J4F Speaks His Reality In New Song “Be Patient”

For a young boy his age, you wouldn't expect him to deliver such engaging lyrics, but it goes to show that he has what...