Tag: Fall - song and lyrics by thndo

Catching “Snowflakes Flight” with Edditter: A Sonic Snow Day

First thought? It doesn’t sound like someone trying too hard, which is always a relief. It’s not that self-important throb you sometimes get with ambient. It’s... like catching the first snow after a summer that stretched on way too long. Remember those hazy August days? They feel like distant echoes now, don’t they? https://open.spotify.com/album/1tWE8Gn8bh0iIj8srA29wy?si=wNlwKXSzTNeet5-M87przg This single paints with sonic snow, and the whole picture is soft...

JT Uttley’s “Message To An Idle” A Universal Anthem For Overcoming Adversity

Leeds rapper JT Uttley stands out with his latest track, "Message To An Idle." More than just a rap song, this track signifies a poignant moment in Uttley's artistic journey, blending deep, introspective lyrics with a dynamic musicality that echoes his evolution. "Message To An Idle" is a heartfelt message from JT Uttley to his younger self, reflecting on a period marked by depression and...

Thndo Returns With Latest Gospel And R&B Offering ‘Fall’

Formerly known as Thando, the singer, songwriter, and composer Thndo presently resides in Australia, and is originally from Zimbabwe. https://soundcloud.com/thandomusic/fall-prod-by-hamley/s-sfxhIdG7q60 With a message that is just...