Tag: D'vonti music

Edie Yvonne Strikes A Vulnerable Chord With Her Heartfelt New Release ‘In the Rain’

Edie Yvonne, a triple threat from Los Angeles, is making waves in the indie pop scene. Edie's new single, "In the Rain," is a captivating aural tapestry, drenched in genuine passion and reflection. Born out of the ashes of a heated argument, "In the Rain" is more than simply a song; it's a heartfelt introspective meditation that draws on Edie's tenderness. Edie made a lasting...

Blueburst Manifest A Resurgence Of Vintage Verve In ‘Train In Vain’

Guitarist Craig Douglas Miller's Blueburst: A Manifesto of Musings from a 20-Year Musical Sabbatical. Craig Douglas Miller and Marty Willson-Piper are at the forefront of an old-wave resurgence within the sphere of alternative music. Miller's career stalled after big labels lost interest in the star guitarist and singer from the '90s band "The Reach" After two decades of not writing anything new, he finally sought help...

D’vonti’s New Single Comes To Prove He Doesn’t “Fold”

Simply by seeing the way in which he composes a song, it is possible to deduce that he is one of the greatest rappers...