Tag: De/OS songs

Jay Bizzy Announces His Presence With New Song “No Hook 2”

We'll keep trying to introduce you to the world's most impressive creatives. Jay Bizzy is our newest discovery, and his new single just dropped. The lyrics and ambiance of the song titled "No Hook 2" take listeners on an emotional journey, proving that they elicit significant reactions and that was the sole aim of the 23-year East London-based artiste. The song has a certain quality that...

Diya Shanmugaraj Shares Uplifting New Song “Blow The Blue Away”

An upbeat and soulful tune, "Blow The Blue Away" by Diya Shanmugaraj expertly fuses elements of soul music, commercial pop, chill house, and dream pop. The end product is an enchanting and harmonized medley that would be excellent on any playlist. Its infectious melodies and easily accessible lyrics have a wide appeal due to its commercial pop influence. The song has all the makings of a...

Beyond Zen: De/OS’ Profound “Rise I”

Have you ever felt like a lone sock in a dryer, tumbling endlessly, searching for its match, only to find... a button? That's a...