Tag: Charlie McDonald musical artist

Andy Smythe Captivates With “Leaves To Burn”

The soulful single by London resident Andy Smythe uses moody melody and memories to deliver "Leaves to Burn". The London-based artist Andy Smythe has released his latest release, "Leaves to Burn," which is nothing but additional proof of his musical multitasking. "Prodigal Son" and "Out of My Mind" thrilled the critics. Smythe solidified his position in the industry despite narrowing every instrument to achieve an effective...

Brendan Lane Collaborated With Quesmark On New Single ‘One Life’

Brendan Lane is a rising star in the music business. His love of rock 'n' roll has brought him on tours across all three continents, and he continues to pursue his enthusiasm for the genre. Lane's relationship with music goes deep, and his most recent CD, "One Life," highlights his abilities as a composer and performer. Lane's father was a jazz pianist, and he grew...

Charlie McDonald Transforms Heartbreak into Pop Gold with “You Broke Me”

Rising Star Charlie McDonald's Raw Pop Single "You Broke Me" Cuts Through the Noise with Honest Storytelling and R&B Influences. Charlie McDonald's debut single "You...