Tag: Apex4X music

Brendan Lane Collaborated With Quesmark On New Single ‘One Life’

Brendan Lane is a rising star in the music business. His love of rock 'n' roll has brought him on tours across all three continents, and he continues to pursue his enthusiasm for the genre. Lane's relationship with music goes deep, and his most recent CD, "One Life," highlights his abilities as a composer and performer. Lane's father was a jazz pianist, and he grew...

Unleashing Visual Brilliance: Jessy DeGreat’s ‘Bars Freestyle’ Official Video Amazes

Prepare to be captivated by the mesmerizing visuals accompanying Jessy DeGreat's powerful track, "Bars Freestyle." Directed, shot, and edited by the incredibly talented Stephen Manuels, the official video perfectly complements the lyrical prowess and competence displayed by Jessy DeGreat. The video for "Bars Freestyle" serves as a stunning visual representation of Jessy DeGreat's artistry. From start to finish, viewers are treated to a feast for the...

Apex4X: Feeling the Burn? ‘The Fire Within’ Album Ignites!

Apex4X. Right, let's dive in. "The Fire Within", an album with thirteen tracks; feels like peering into someone's journal, but one that's written in...