Tag: Anthony Casuccio singer

Calboy – Miseducation ft. Lil Wayne (Official Video)

Calboy - Miseducation ft. Lil Wayne (Official Video) American rapper, Calboy presents the visuals to his song "Miseducation" which features Lil Wayne shot and directed by Shomi Patwary. Watch below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXEJiQr677U  

Paytra Encapsulates Strength In Her Album W.T.S

About Paytra Paytra was born in the small hamlet of Lambertville, Michigan, south of Detroit, to a mixed-Mexicana mother and a German father. Paytra made a very bold move and took a risk of a lifetime, alone, she moved to Brooklyn, New York. She already knew what she wanted in life, but with no money and lack of experience, she ultimately came to the reality...

Casuccio’s “Rockstar”: Not About the Sparkle, All About the Grit

Anthony Casuccio's "The Rockstar," is, well, not what you expect, especially if you were picturing spandex and teased hair. It's a raw, honest pour...