Tag: Anna Amato

Abby Carroll Talks About Going From “Lovers To Strangers” In New Song

You may be the best couple in the world one minute and then be complete strangers the next. That is the rapid transformation in many partnerships today. Abby Carroll, in a song titled "Lovers To Strangers," appears saddened over the entire situation, as evidenced by the tone of her voice. The poetic tone of this piece of songwriting is touching and the music compliments the message...

Eva Sita: Revolutionizing African Music With Her Tri-Lingual Fusion “All Of My Feelings”

Eva Sita, hailing from Côte d'Ivoire, is carving a distinctive niche in the African music scene with her innovative fusion of traditional rhythms and contemporary Afrobeat. Her music, a harmonious blend of various genres like jazz, blues, and salsa, is a testament to the rich musical heritage of her country. Eva Sita exemplifies the dynamic evolution of African music while maintaining a deep reverence for...

Anna Amato Releases A Melodic Harmony Single Titled ‘Call Jane’

Anna Amato: Techno's Rising Star & the Melodic Harmony of 'Call Jane' Some musicians stand out within the rich tapestry of electronic music by creating...