Tag: AMANDA HOLLEY unveils new music titled SEASONING

Brendan Lane Collaborated With Quesmark On New Single ‘One Life’

Brendan Lane is a rising star in the music business. His love of rock 'n' roll has brought him on tours across all three continents, and he continues to pursue his enthusiasm for the genre. Lane's relationship with music goes deep, and his most recent CD, "One Life," highlights his abilities as a composer and performer. Lane's father was a jazz pianist, and he grew...

Emily Nicole Green’s “Thief” Steals Our Hearts

If you want to experience the raw depths of human feeling, listen to "Thief" by Emily Nicole Green. This is the song for anyone who has experienced the sting of rejection, the difficulty of reconciling life's contradictory realities, or the emptiness of longing for someone who is no longer in one's life. Emily, a bright light in the midst of New York City's hustle and bustle,...

Amanda Holley Releases Soulful New Single “Seasoning”

Amanda Holley's new song "Seasoning" is a seductive mix of old-school soul and modern pop. Amanda Holley, who is known for her strong singing and...