Post Death Soundtrack Unleashes Sonic Fury With “Veil Lifter”

Post Death Soundtrack New Album “Veil Lifter” Delivers a Grunge-Infused Assault on Mental Illness and Societal Alienation

Post Death Soundtrack‘s fourth full-length album, “Veil Lifter,” is a 10-track Molotov mix of doom grunge, and hardcore.

Post Death Soundtrack is a very talented doom grunge pair from Vancouver, Canada. They make a thick electric symphony with witchy guitars, savage bass, and a boiling pot of evil sounds.

It Will Come Out of Nowhere,” their previous album, had choreographed industrial sounds. This record, on the other hand, has a raw, organic live sound that is both powerful and captivating.

Jon Ireson and Stephen Moore make music that makes you feel things. They get ideas from bands like Alice in Chains, Black Sabbath, Nirvana, and The Stooges, as well as modern giants like Russian Circles, Windhand, and YOB.

Some heavy sounds, some extreme anger, some hypnotic grooves, and some airy ambience come together to make a single, strong vision.

Veil Lifter” is a concept record that talks about mental sickness, feeling alone in society, and being strong spiritually. Moore calls the record a “invocation of protection and spiritual weaponry” that came about because of his own battles with sadness, addiction, loneliness, and chaos. The title of the record comes from Eastern thought and refers to “lifting the veil of ignorance” to show more important facts.

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Songs like “Icy Underground” and “Lowdown Animal” show the band’s new direction. “Lowdown Animal,” a grunge-metal song, represents the band’s status as an outsider, like a smart hyena, while “Icy Underground” creates a dark and spooky atmosphere.

It has a raw, unfiltered vocal performance that catches the spirit of the band’s roots while adding a modern, one-of-a-kind edge. The production value is excellent, and the mix is well-balanced so that the many layers of sound are brought out without losing the live performance’s raw energy.

Each track goes into the next without any problems, making a story that is both interesting and scary.

Post Death Soundtrack Unleashes Sonic Fury with Veil Lifter
Post Death Soundtrack Unleashes Sonic Fury with Veil Lifter

Veil Lifter” has well-balanced dynamics, with parts that are intense and angry and parts that are haunting and dreamlike.

The guitars sound thick and sludgy, which goes well with the heavy, driving beats and the honest, emotional singing. The record as a whole is a great example of how to balance raw power with complex stories.

When “Veil Lifter” is released there will also be a limited print record. “Veil Lifter” is a must-listen for anyone who wants to escape into the dark with some soothing music.

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