Dan Angelo Speaks To His “Secret Lover” In New Seductive Song

If you’re seeking that one-of-a-kind song to play for that particular someone in your life, Dan Angelo has made your life a lot simpler by providing you with this song.

The new tune “Secret Lover” has a strong connection to the listener on a spiritual level. It awakens fresh feelings and sensations inside of you, which in turn refreshes you.

Because of the beautiful vocals that accompany it, it strives to give you a feeling of being pampered and cared for. The impact it has on one person will be the same as it is on another if they hear it.

He’s been away for two years, but he thinks this new song is more than simply a song since it’s a tribute to Alicia Keys, a celebrity he’s admired since he was a kid.

The humorous irony of the situation is that it creates a scenario in which he is willing to accept the idea that Alicia Keys is his secret girlfriend, while she seems to be enamored with him.

The American hip-hop, rap, and R&B/soul artist has a broad range of emotions in his voice; you can truly connect with the subject matter that he is singing about. In addition to that, his abilities as a songwriter are of the highest caliber.

Dan Angelo is incredibly talented when it comes to writing catchy choruses and interesting verses. He exudes a positive energy that immediately lifts your spirits. It’s just the right amount of mellow.

His singing is gorgeous and silky, and his delivery is so heartfelt that it does what it does. You need to hear this! Follow him as well on Facebook and Instagram



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