Beyond Vivaldi: Robert McGinty’s “Reflections” Shines

Right, so, Manchester’s own Robert McGinty is back. “Reflections,” they call it. Twelve classical instrumentals. Twelve! Like the apostles, but…less preachy, more piano-y. It’s supposed to be uplifting and joyful, this album, a sequel of sorts, tracking his growth since the debut. Did you know the collective noun for owls is a parliament? Completely unrelated, I know, but owls are wise, and there’s a certain wisdom embedded in McGinty’s compositions, somewhere between the Vivaldi-esque flourishes and that unexpected hint of Spanish guitar.

It’s predominantly classical, this thing. But it’s got this… sheen of modernity. A bit of Joplin’s ragtime pep gets in there, playfully chasing the more structured, Haydn-inspired sections. McGinty, the multi-instrumentalist maestro, throws piano, guitar, flute, and strings at us. It is all a lot. My cat, incidentally, prefers the flute sections. Claims they mimic bird song. I wouldn’t know; I’m more of a Liberace fan myself.

The album wants to explore the blend between joy, and the mellow drama that is sadness. It’s there. It’s that feeling that grabs your emotional heartstrings.

He delivers. He is reported to blend many classical styles with his unique style, and on this, he delivers a truly original, and creative album.

Beyond Vivaldi: Robert McGinty's "Reflections" Shines
Beyond Vivaldi: Robert McGinty’s “Reflections” Shines

This whole album… it’s like a well-brewed cup of tea on a rainy afternoon – comforting, familiar, yet somehow… surprising. You expect Earl Grey, and then bam! A subtle hint of ginger. Where did that come from? Commissioned works are apparently sprinkled throughout, adding another layer to this sonic tapestry.

This blend of old masters. This, is what makes it an engaging experience. Classical. Yet, now.

It asks to question our own experiences, asking to look in, with an added blend of beauty.

Is “Reflections” a profound statement on the human condition? Perhaps. Or maybe it’s just a really nice collection of tunes to put on while you ponder the mysteries of the universe, like why pigeons bob their heads. Either way, it’s worth a listen.

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