Tag: Zeymo — Yakatago (Official Video)

Edie Yvonne Unveils The Raw Edges Of Adolescence With “Girl Code”

It's easy to see Edie Yvonne's story in her latest hit, "Girl Code," even though the scene is full of teen songs. Edie writes about the hard facts and unsaid rules of growing up at a time when life is dangerously balanced between having fun as a child and about to become an adult. That's not like Edie; her skills work just as well on set...

Cardamo’s ‘Androgenise’ Celebrates Self-Identity Through Sonic Exploration

Cardamon Rozzi, or Cardamo, is an unusual musical force from Farnborough's verdant setting, and they bring a sound that is as original as the artist's own story. Cardamo, who is out and glad to promote the LGBTQ and neurodiverse communities, is a shining example of the contemporary, independent musician who has carved out a unique place for themselves in today's crowded musical environment. ANDROGENISE by Carδamo Cardamo...

Zeymo — Yakatago (Official Video) Dir. By Storm Wec

Zeymo — Yakatago (Official Video) Dir. By Storm Wec Harlem Music Africa, reputable label newly in pulse to outdoor its new artiste Zanoo Emmanuel Kokou...