Remus Rujinschi Presents New Engaging Single “Tears In The Club – No Tears Mix”

Further evidence that Remus Rujinschi is one of the most outstanding musicians currently active in the industry can be found in his newest track. The Romanian artist has released a trap-influenced pop single. We've got a song here called "Tears In The Club: No Tears Mix" that's guaranteed to put a spring in your step and make you feel better. This song has the intention of...

CTT Beats’ New Single “Rainy Days” Carries Very Strong Emotions

CCT Beats has consistently demonstrated that he is talented and skilled. One can wonder how he finds such experienced musicians for each new track and idea. The high production standards and catchy atmosphere of the song are also present here. O'Hara's voice sounds like a soothing lullaby, and the song is well-composed. Despite the fact that the songs' stated purpose is to draw attention to problems...

Debut Album “VSELUBOV” Marks Etolubov’s Ascent In Global Pop

Ukrainian wonder woman Etolubov released her first album, "VSELUBOV." The title means, "Everything is love, all is love." Thus, with the help of this single,...