Tag: Tutipsy - Songs

Songstress Shawna Blends Rap And Urban Pop To Navigate Emotional Landscapes

Shawna, a 25-year-old Franco-Swiss singer-songwriter, is redefining the contours of urban pop and rap with her darkly sensual and introspective music. Standing at the crossroads of vulnerability and strength, Shawna's music is a candid exploration of her deepest anxieties, loves, and childhood dreams, all underpinned by a burning desire to break free from conventional musical boundaries. Her voice, a unique blend of softness and fragility, resonates...

Jordana Delgado Celebrates Spring With “The Dancing Pink Flowers”

Jordana Delgado Captures the Essence of Spring in "The Dancing Pink Flowers" Piano and music artist Jordana Delgado, who lives in Vancouver, continues to amaze people with her beautiful musical works. Her newest single, "The Dancing Pink Flowers," is no different. In this lively piece, which honours spring and its famous cherry blossoms, Delgado shows how good she is at the piano and how she can...

Tutipsy Ignites the Global Music Scene With Afro-Pop Hit ‘Jaja’

Tutipsy, a Nigerian singer-songwriter based in Germany, is crafting waves in the music world with his innovative blend of Afro-pop that transcends geographical and...