Tag: The New Citizen Kane musical band

Ewurabena – Supper Is Ready (Official Music Video)


Ludwig Jonsson’s “Anybody Out There”: A Hard Rock Scream in the Void

Ludwig Jonsson, hailing from Jönköping, Sweden – a place I once imagined was solely populated by competitive furniture assemblers – has unleashed "Anybody Out There," a single that slams into you like a rogue shopping cart on a downhill slope. It's hard rock, sure, but it's got this texture, like sandpaper dipped in honey. https://open.spotify.com/track/4Dulb3Cng8qV360NJFtEBr?si=dMYRbliySw6ImpUIoMQ8Cg Jonsson, the one-man army of sound, crafts everything in his home...

The New Citizen Kane’s “The Tales of Morpheus” Is A Symphony Of Self-Discovery

From Home Studio to Sonic Renaissance: The New Citizen Kane Transformed Anxiety into a 21-Track Electronic Opus. The New Citizen Kane, an artist from London,...