Tag: Strongman - The Lord (Official Video)

Heïka: Quebec’s Luminary Indie-Pop Sensation Shares Latest Single ‘Rivales’

Heïka, the rising star of the indie-pop genre, has sent a ray of sunshine into the Canadian province of Quebec's music landscape. The mesmerising soprano Andrée-Anne Bélisle and the evocative pianist Jo-Annie Bourdeau are at the centre of this project. Their unexpected encounter at the University of Montréal as jazz enthusiasts developed into a symphony of shared musical aspirations once they got to know one...

Boney Derrington Makes Music Pleasurable With New Song “Oceanside”

We are happy to present you with music that will perfectly set the tone for your weekend. It's Friday. We always have your back when it comes to that, and our most recent find is Boney Derrington and he is out with "Oceanside" which features Jazzy Divine. Boney made it possible to dive into a lively musical dreamscape where the seductive notes of a modern...

Strongman – The Lord (Official Video)

Strongman - The Lord (Official Video) Strong Empire boss, Strongman is here with this new one he calls "The Lord" shot and directed by Kobby...