Sista Afia - Broken (Official Video)
The song talks about a girl, who is so much in love with her partner, but for some reasons, doesn't get the love she used to get, leaving her in a "broken" state-directed by Prince Dovlo, this "Broken" video brings to life the message Sista Afia was sending in the song.
Sista Afia who recently stated her song with Stonebwoy...
Okay, so, you’ve got music hitting your eardrums. Sometimes it's like a rogue pigeon landing right outside your window – startling, unexpected, but maybe interesting? Ozzient's “Peace, Not War” single feels a little like that pigeon, only this one’s carrying a tiny, insistent megaphone yelling about, well, peace and not war. Obvious, sure, but when was the last time obvious actually soaked in?
This track...