Tag: Rusty Reid out with American Villain

LOH-renzo Keeps His Dreams Alive In New Song “Autopilot”

You must never give up on your dreams, no matter what, as our newest hip-hop find expresses in his brand-new song. Please give this song your full attention. He goes by the moniker LOH-renzo, and his most recent single, "Autopilot," sheds light on the commitment and restless evenings needed to follow one's aspirations. This song will serve as a source of motivation for your everyday life...

Ozzient Declares “Peace, Not War” – And It Sounds Anciently Modern.

Okay, so, you’ve got music hitting your eardrums. Sometimes it's like a rogue pigeon landing right outside your window – startling, unexpected, but maybe interesting? Ozzient's “Peace, Not War” single feels a little like that pigeon, only this one’s carrying a tiny, insistent megaphone yelling about, well, peace and not war. Obvious, sure, but when was the last time obvious actually soaked in? https://open.spotify.com/album/4mb3AYjTpp2SN5lzOqy5e0?si=cJzQ6WgVTkWdiKTkvgN1uw This track...

Rusty Reid Unleashes “American Villain” A Musical Indictment Of Political Turmoil

Rusty Reid is such an artist that his indie work is based on the folk-country rock tapestry element to emphasize protest and passion narrative. However,...