Tag: Prazosin by Phidippus

Amerado – Yeete Nsem Episode 14

Amerado - Yeete Nsem Episode 14 In addition to the already released 13 episodes of Yeete Nsem, Amerado is out with the episode 14. In this episode, the rapper was seen hosting himself as a double to discuss trending issues that happened within the week. Amerado and his double in this week's Yeete Nsem talked about issues concerning the Hon Ken Agyapong vs Tracy Boakye banter,...

Josh Savage Delivers Emotional Highs And Lows In “Seeing Red Feeling Blue” EP

Josh Savage Unveils Emotional Odyssey in New EP "Seeing Red Feeling Blue" Josh Savage, a singer-songwriter is back with his much-anticipated EP "Seeing Red Feeling Blue," which is a touching look at the highs and lows of life's emotions. This EP was produced by Julian Simmons, who is known for his work with Ed Sheeran and James Blunt. It was taped in Simmons' London flat and...

Prose-in Motion: Phidippus Paints Sonic Pictures with “Prazosin”

Phidippus’ "Prazosin," the album, is a strange little thing. Not like finding a sock in the dryer that never had a match, but more...