Tag: Ping Pong & Puzzle

Alisa Inez’s New Song Provides The Best “Love’s Recipe”

The best things in life are always free, and this one is no exception. Alisa Inez has created a love recipe that will keep your relationship sweet, delectable, and lovely. She is done working on the ideal romantic manual, which she has turned into a song called "Love's Recipe" that promotes love, especially around Thanksgiving and the holiday season. It's a compelling and flexible song with...

Wilhelm Strips Down To Essentials In “Wake Me In The Sunrise”

Lo-fi Folk Artist Wilhelm Trades Complex Arrangements for Raw Intimacy in Third Album "Wake Me In The Sunrise" Wilhelm has drawn people in again with his new album "Wake Me in the Sunrise". This record is a unique mix of real feeling and stories. After the success of his 2023 song "The Creek," Wilhelm has taken a more simple approach that puts emotional lyrics ahead of...

Lily Amis Collaborates With Thir13een To Deliver A Message In “Ping Pong & Puzzle”

Lily Amis has carved out a unique space. With over ten years of songwriting under her belt, Amis has turned her creative energies into...