Tag: Paul Bibbins with Disenchantment At A Distance

JT Uttley’s “Message To An Idle” A Universal Anthem For Overcoming Adversity

Leeds rapper JT Uttley stands out with his latest track, "Message To An Idle." More than just a rap song, this track signifies a poignant moment in Uttley's artistic journey, blending deep, introspective lyrics with a dynamic musicality that echoes his evolution. "Message To An Idle" is a heartfelt message from JT Uttley to his younger self, reflecting on a period marked by depression and...

Edie Yvonne Strikes A Chord With Teen Anthem “15 (When I Leave)”

15-Year-Old LA Songstress Edie Yvonne Captures the Heartache and Hope of Teenage Transition "15 (When I Leave)" Edie Yvonne from Los Angeles brings us a touching look into the life of a teen in "15 (When I Leave)." As Edie Yvonne gets ready to start at a new high school, she shows how raw it is to leave behind what you know and face what you...

Paul Bibbins Unleashes An Innovative Rock ‘n Roll EP ‘Disenchantment At A Distance’

With a guitar in his hand and a strong will, Paul Bibbins has made his own way as an artist. He has a voice...