Tag: Outside Pedestrian unveils new music titled Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring

Introducing Scrip T, an Afro Pop Artiste, and a Practicing Nurse

Introducing Scrip T, an Afro Pop Artiste, and a Practicing Nurse Gabriel Asare known by the stage name Scrip T is a Ghanaian Musician and a practicing Registered General Nurse who hails from the Ahwiaa Kwabere East District of Ashanti Region. and born to Mr. Dickson Asare and Mrs. Mercy Nimoh. He grew up in Buokrom Estate where he had his basic schooling at Airport international...

QP Music Production Finally Launches “Beat Makers Battle 2020” – See Full Details

QP Music Production Finally Launches "Beat Makers Battle 2020" - See Full Details QP Music Production has finally launched the 2020 edition of the Beat Makers Battle launched by Zapp Mallet at the Qp music studio in Abelemkpe. The aim is for beatmakers either known and unknown to come on board and compete. The winner will represent Ghana on the international level in Canada Toronto. Now here...

Unholy Polyrhythms: Outside Pedestrian’s “Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring”

A rubber band ball, meticulously constructed and then unceremoniously dropped, that's what Outside Pedestrian's "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" feels like. Not the ball...