Tag: Outside Pedestrian profile

Teté’s “Wherever You Go”: A Globally Inspired Love Anthem

“Wherever You Go,” by Toronto’s Teté, is a song that has bridged the gap beyond borders. This melody is a journey experience, comprised of her Brazilian, English, and Mexican influences, offering listeners new world music experiences while being extra up close and personal. "Wherever You Go'' draws its power from the dimension it gives to the love theme and its rarity in modern music. Teté’s spicy...

DopeNation – Today (Official Video)

DopeNation - Today (Official Video) Award-winning Ghanaian duo, DopeNation premieres a new video and it is to their song "Today" shot and directed by XBills Ebenezer. Watch below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfYYHnfV6zk

Unholy Polyrhythms: Outside Pedestrian’s “Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring”

A rubber band ball, meticulously constructed and then unceremoniously dropped, that's what Outside Pedestrian's "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" feels like. Not the ball...