Tag: Nini Uppuluri music

Heïka: Quebec’s Luminary Indie-Pop Sensation Shares Latest Single ‘Rivales’

Heïka, the rising star of the indie-pop genre, has sent a ray of sunshine into the Canadian province of Quebec's music landscape. The mesmerising soprano Andrée-Anne Bélisle and the evocative pianist Jo-Annie Bourdeau are at the centre of this project. Their unexpected encounter at the University of Montréal as jazz enthusiasts developed into a symphony of shared musical aspirations once they got to know one...

Grey Tower Heights Talks More About Her Music And Latest Release ‘By the Sea’

After a lengthy career of working with others, Grey Tower Heights was created as a solo effort. Melancholy permeates the tracks, which deal with the loss of love, fragility, and our frail sense of self. https://soundcloud.com/grey-tower-heights Songs with haunting voices and rich harmonies boost the piano-driven, lyrically sombre, and narratively oriented compositions. In Grey Tower Heights, Leonard Cohen, Tom Waits, and Nick Cave are among the...

Nini Uppuluri Is “Shattered” And Heartbroken In New Song

This change happened so quickly; now Nini Uppuluri is devastated, and her new song "Shattered" is an incredibly moving ode to her pain. Leaving room...

Nini Uppuluri Shares New Ear-pleasing Single “Carafe – Bittersweet v2”

It's only fair that a young vocalist with as much potential as Nini Uppuluri gets all the praise she can get. You can't possibly...