Tag: Naeli profile

Josh Tepper’s “Guide Me Meron” Is An Epic Kabbalistic Anthem With A Spiritual Message

Josh Tepper emerges as a rare talent in the area of American singer-songwriters, and his most recent single, "Guide Me Meron," proves to be a Kabbalistic hymn that crosses boundaries. This mystical hymn takes us on a fascinating trip to the holy mountain of Mount Meron. The beginning of Josh Tepper's career as a musician can be traced back to the bustling metropolis of New York...

Suki Bedeaux Presents Emotionally Depth Song “Bare Options”

The song's emotional content—which revolves around feelings of attraction, enjoying passions, being enticing, and being seduced—makes it likely that it will remain stuck in your head. "Bare Options" is the name of Suki Bedeaux's latest single, which captures the raw and complicated world of romance and intimacy with its 'Alt Fusion' delivery and distinctively British sound. Bedeaux is an artist from Brixton, South London. Embracing unique...

Naeli Captures Hearts With “En Passant”

The recent release of Naeli, a Paris-born artist, "En Passant" ("By the Way"), from the lively second album, is staying on the French music...