Trick Shooter Social Club's "Television," isn't some shiny, manufactured anthem. It's a scratched-up record, the kind you pull out after a long day where everything tasted like cardboard and feels the same kind of worn in and comfortable. This Chicago outfit, led by Larry Liss and Steve Simoncic, they’ve bottled that feeling into a song about quiet corners and the kind of love that...
Brendan Lane is a rising star in the music business. His love of rock 'n' roll has brought him on tours across all three continents, and he continues to pursue his enthusiasm for the genre.
Lane's relationship with music goes deep, and his most recent CD, "One Life," highlights his abilities as a composer and performer. Lane's father was a jazz pianist, and he grew...
LA Duo My Satellite Returns with Maximalist Sophomore Album "Person" That Turns Relationship Evolution into Sonic Art.
After nearly a decade of sonic alchemy, Los...