Tag: Majeska unveils her vocally stunning new single

Abby Carroll Talks About Going From “Lovers To Strangers” In New Song

You may be the best couple in the world one minute and then be complete strangers the next. That is the rapid transformation in many partnerships today. Abby Carroll, in a song titled "Lovers To Strangers," appears saddened over the entire situation, as evidenced by the tone of her voice. The poetic tone of this piece of songwriting is touching and the music compliments the message...

Ricky J Sounds Distinctive In New Rap Song “Fuggire Da Qui”

He boasts an individual approach, which is actually far from the conventional ones we mostly hear. Here, he raps in his native language, which is Italian. What makes us enjoy this song more is its flow and delivery. The production of "Fuggire da qui" is a terrific piece, and it needs to be heard. Just like the beat, his artistic sense and understanding merit recognition. Ricky...

Ethereal Vulnerability: Majeska’s “Please Wait, Saving…”

An Audacious Dive into the Depths of the Human Psyche, Bathed in Electro-Pop Brilliance. From the neon-lit streets of Nashville emerges Majeska, a force to...