Tag: Ludwig Jonsson profile

Eno Barony – Game of Thrones (Official Video)

Eno Barony - Game of Thrones (Official Video) Eno Barony of Magic Mindx Music Group has dished out another Hip Hop tune dubbed "Game Of Thrones" shot by Rakil Ghana. Enjoy the video below... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GxP-ZAVNt4

Debut Album “VSELUBOV” Marks Etolubov’s Ascent In Global Pop

Ukrainian wonder woman Etolubov released her first album, "VSELUBOV." The title means, "Everything is love, all is love." Thus, with the help of this single, she confirms the success of her work, expressing well the countries from Eastern Europe and those where anyone can identify oneself. Having this single "Attraction" score a smashing success and then go international, with people just refusing to stop listening to...

Ludwig Jonsson’s “Anybody Out There”: A Hard Rock Scream in the Void

Ludwig Jonsson, hailing from Jönköping, Sweden – a place I once imagined was solely populated by competitive furniture assemblers – has unleashed "Anybody Out...