Tag: kelsiekimberlin

Josh Tepper’s “Guide Me Meron” Is An Epic Kabbalistic Anthem With A Spiritual Message

Josh Tepper emerges as a rare talent in the area of American singer-songwriters, and his most recent single, "Guide Me Meron," proves to be a Kabbalistic hymn that crosses boundaries. This mystical hymn takes us on a fascinating trip to the holy mountain of Mount Meron. The beginning of Josh Tepper's career as a musician can be traced back to the bustling metropolis of New York...

Léa Noël: A Multi-Talented Music Dynamo Shares Latest Single ‘A Nous’

Enter the vibrant world of Léa Noël, a French singer, songwriter, composer and performer with a dynamic artistic spirit. Embarking on her professional musical journey in 2019, Léa has since graced us with six captivating songs and four visually striking music videos. A versatile artist, Léa possesses an eclectic palette of musical interests, embracing genres ranging from Pop to Soul and R&B. However, what sets her...

Kelsie Kimberlin ‘Armageddon’ Is A Musical Odyssey Of Compassion Amidst Turbulence

Kelsie Kimberlin, a multi-talented musician and singer who was born in the United States but has strong ties to Ukraine, deviates significantly from the...