It's important to give yourself a break and regroup every once in a while. It's a period that everyone goes through, and you'll need it eventually.
"Recharge" is Wavey Days' most recent hit, and it's a true, groovy, and rhythmic hymn for everyone.
The record serves as a reminder of the significance of taking a break from the commotion and distractions that are part of everyday...
Kweku Smoke - Fine Boy (Official Video)
Again and again, Kweku Soku Snoke dishes out the music video to his song "Fine Boy" shot and directed by Kojo Tommy.
Watch the video below.
Indian Indie Star Kamakshi Khanna Delivers Raw Emotion and Polished Production in Long-Awaited Sophomore Release 'Heartbreak 2020'
Kamakshi Khanna, a famous independent singer-songwriter, has released...