Tag: Joe Lington out with Je Pleure

Ratty Ghana – After The Beef (Official Video)

Bernard Opoku Agyemang (Ratty Ghana) is considered one of the major proponents of rap music in Ghana. The IDENTITY is a multipurpose music act committed to many subjects both local and international (social commentator) and also cuts across demographies with a unique sense of humour that attracts the likeness and enjoyment of people. Subjects such as gospel, sports, road safety, global sanity etc. He is classified...

Catching “Snowflakes Flight” with Edditter: A Sonic Snow Day

First thought? It doesn’t sound like someone trying too hard, which is always a relief. It’s not that self-important throb you sometimes get with ambient. It’s... like catching the first snow after a summer that stretched on way too long. Remember those hazy August days? They feel like distant echoes now, don’t they? https://open.spotify.com/album/1tWE8Gn8bh0iIj8srA29wy?si=wNlwKXSzTNeet5-M87przg This single paints with sonic snow, and the whole picture is soft...

Joe Lington Breathes Fresh Life Into Classics With “Je Pleure”

Welcome to Joe Lington, a charming soul singer whose singing can turn any room into a party in an instant. Lington's journey is the...