Tag: Guitar-Driven Rock

Adriana Spuria Sends Us “Away” – And We’re Glad to Go!

Okay, here we go, let's talk about Adriana Spuria's "Away," because sometimes a song lands not like a stone, but more like a strangely shaped, resonant pebble you find in a forgotten corner of your pocket. https://open.spotify.com/track/4S9dPgEZGt7vGjiNMQIsXL?si=ec9935e4ba03479e It starts, well, I mean, not starts in the way a rocket launches. It's softer than that, all gentle hums and guitar twangs, before Adriana's voice drifts in, light...

Kenri Louis Engages Listeners With New Sensational Single “Cherry”

By eliminating potential sources of distraction, he succeeded in his goal of making this song compelling and interesting. The new single "Cherry," featuring the seductive singing of French vocalist Kenri Louis, is the fruit of his labor. The audience is more likely to be transported into another world when listening to music that mixes sensuality and captivating vocals. That's the song's first redeeming feature. Deep understanding is...

Blueburst Manifest A Resurgence Of Vintage Verve In ‘Train In Vain’

Guitarist Craig Douglas Miller's Blueburst: A Manifesto of Musings from a 20-Year Musical Sabbatical. Craig Douglas Miller and Marty Willson-Piper are at the forefront of...