Tag: Guess Pre profile

Listen To Wondaboy’s Exclusive Interview With USA’s Black Press Radio

Listen To Wondaboy’s Exclusive Interview With USA’s Black Press Radio It’s been 13 years since BlackPressRadio.net started Black Press Africa to help bridge the gap between the African American and African communities using music, food and fashion. Fast forward to 2020 and they’re still at it. Things are really heating up as they travel the world through music and food to bring their American audiences the...

Jeristotle Presents New Hip-Hop Tune “They Sold Me On The TV”

Jeristotle has quickly adjusted to the new dimension of hip hop, and his latest single "They Sold Me On The TV" is sufficient proof of his significant evolution in this field. The new song, "The Birth Of An Artist," is taken from his debut solo album and was written especially for you. It depicts the artist's story in a way that will speak to listeners. The song's...

Guess Pre “Clarity”: A Sonic Blender of Angst

Guess Pre's "Clarity." The name itself feels like a punchline missing its joke, or maybe the setup to a philosophical riddle I'm not equipped...