Tag: Ghanaian robotics company invents electronic sanitisers

Femi Jaye Outdoors His Latest Project Dubbed ‘Love Language’

Femi Jaye, a Nigerian artist, and designer who was born in London, like to let his work speak for itself. https://soundcloud.com/femijaye Femi demonstrates his versatility throughout his career by pushing the boundaries of UK Afro-fusion, showcasing his signature blend of infectious melodies, dynamic delivery, and unconventional flair. Femi made the decision to reimagine himself as someone with a mission after the difficult year of 2020 brought him...

Sista Mika Evokes Powerful Narratives In Her Latest Single ‘Expropriation’

Musicians who can create magic by drawing into their origins have a certain captivating and true quality about them. Sista Mika, whose given name is Sophia Michalakoudis, is a living monument to the genuineness of that culture. Sista Mika was born in Brussels with a Greek background. She grew up to the rhythmic rhythms of rebetiko, Greece's response to blues and reggae, a lyrical story of...

Assuah’s Robotics In Ghana Manufactures Electronic Hand Sanitizer

Assuah's Robotics In Ghana Manufactures Electronic Hand Sanitizer With the COVID-19 becoming rampant and hard to deal with, keeping up with the safety or precaution...