Tag: Do I Scare You? musical artist

Milla Thyme Releases A Masterful Funky And Upbeat New Single “Smooth It Out”

Milla Thyme is a sincere and dedicated artist who builds on the foundations laid by others and boldly shapes them to fit the modern day and period. Milla Thyme's artistic style is one of a kind and cannot be replicated on a technical level since she was born and raised in Toronto before relocating to Montreal. https://soundcloud.com/millathyme By intertwining his skills as a rapper, bassist, and producer/composer,...

MUNGMUNG Explores The Intricacies Of Online Friendships In A Melodically Alluring ‘Internet Friends’

The Sydney-based artist MUNGMUNG Explores the Intricacies of Online Friendships in a Melodically Alluring and Lyrically Provocative New Track 'Internet Friends'. You cannot afford to ignore MUNGMUNG if you're a lover of music. She's not just another artist on your radar; she's the kaleidoscope that demands your attention and keeps you hooked. It should come as no surprise that her most recent single, "Internet Friends," becomes...

“Do I Scare You?” by Anthony Quaid: The Soundtrack to Your Uncomfortable Truths

Anthony Quaid’s newest single, "Do I Scare You?", opens like a thunderstorm in slow motion—the kind where the brewing tension isn’t just in the...