Tag: Dewar - Rudiment

Songstress Shawna Blends Rap And Urban Pop To Navigate Emotional Landscapes

Shawna, a 25-year-old Franco-Swiss singer-songwriter, is redefining the contours of urban pop and rap with her darkly sensual and introspective music. Standing at the crossroads of vulnerability and strength, Shawna's music is a candid exploration of her deepest anxieties, loves, and childhood dreams, all underpinned by a burning desire to break free from conventional musical boundaries. Her voice, a unique blend of softness and fragility, resonates...

Chris Caulfield: The Resonance Of Resilience In ‘Stockholm Syndrome’

Chris Caulfield, who lives in Toronto, is more than just an artist; he owns a complex personality that encompasses a wide range of facets. The aforementioned musician is proficient in the art of musical storytelling, skillfully building storylines that move fluidly between the genres of alternative rock, hip-hop, and dark pop. Caulfield's compositions show the potential of creative expression to capture and portray the deepest issues...

Dewar Delivers An Emotionally Resonant Eleven-Track Masterpiece ‘Rudiment’

"Rudiment," Dewar's new album from Britain, has a big impact. They take you on an exciting trip through current pop rock with a funky...