Tag: Daniel Nwosu Jr.

Kelsie Kimberlin ‘Armageddon’ Is A Musical Odyssey Of Compassion Amidst Turbulence

Kelsie Kimberlin, a multi-talented musician and singer who was born in the United States but has strong ties to Ukraine, deviates significantly from the mould of the normal artist. Her work, despite the fact that it is clearly amusing, delves deeper than the surface, exploring serious social themes with multiple meanings that demonstrate her great awareness of the transforming power of music. Kelsie went on an...

Marince Omario Presents Second Edition Annual “Gbonyo Party”

Marince Omario presents the second installment of his annual Gbonyo Party concert, an event themed the "death of our struggles" on Friday, December 2nd, 2022  The FU artist created Gbonyoparty to foster deeper connections with his "shlaims" who are gradually multiplying in number over the course of his years active in the Ghanaian music space. Last year's edition was off to a great start trending...

Dax’s God’s Eyes – A Soulful Examination Of Faith Amidst Corruption

The melodic cadence and instrumentation aren't the only abilities that performers in the Canadian rap business bring to the table; they also bring a...