Tag: Dame Zina songs


Boss Bouncy drops personal music talking about Depression, and advocating and encouraging people going through the same to seek and talk to someone whenever they feel down. https://youtu.be/GUw2ZG8MnbU

Lewca: The Maverick Artist Bridging Generations Through Sound

From Brixton's Squats to Normandy's Serenity: A Dive into the Eclectic World of Lewca's Music Evolution. Lewca's life has taken him from the seedy and lively backstreets of Brixton to the bohemian bosom of Paris, and the tale of his travels is just as captivating as the sonic collage he has been creating throughout his career. It would appear that Lewca's life was destined to be...

Dame Zina’s “Eau”: A Mesmerizing Blend Of Electronic Artistry And Emotional Depth

Only a few examples of cinematographic achievement have been able to accomplish such feat as weaving innovation with emotional depth in a manner as...